Reloj de cuco estilo “Chalet” movimiento mecánico de 8 días 43cm de Engstler
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February 21, 2022 17:13
Produktbewertung von Anonym
This 8 day Chalet clock is just beautiful. I was tempted to buy the quartz version because it offered a much lower price and more songs but I really wanted the functionality of an original Cuckoo clock. When you consider all the work in the craftsmanship, and see it in person, you appreciate it that much more. They are precious works of art. This matches my decor perfectly as well. I had issues when it arrived to me in the USA and that is the only reason for a 4 star rating. I wasn't able to use the clock out of the box, huge disappointment. Thankfully I have a very experienced local clock service who took care of it for me but I had a long wait and Cuckoo Palace was generously accommodating without hassle. I would suggest better directions specific to the exact clock. Not all parts are the same or in same locations. Even just a video tutorial for the exact clock would be great. People should view some on general before purchase so they have a general idea of handling, setup, use and maintenance.
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1.255,00 €